ईश्वर ज्ञान है
布道 新教的 好消息
Sermon videos
THE END, consequencies
God's clock is ticking
The World is occupied territory
Ready for the Rapture?
Building on Foundation Jesus
Revelation and warning of God
Build with gold, precious stones
Spiritual battle Eph. 6:10-20
You are the light of the world Mat 5:14
You are ambassadors of Christ 2Co5:20
We must proclaim life after death 2 Tim 5:4-9
Christians are a Royal Priesthood, how?
Better doing right, than for doing wrong
Beseech God when with sickness 2Sa 12:15
Obedient to Authority Rom. 13:1-7
Steward of God 1 Cor. 4:1-5
FEAR? (Death, Sick, Covid, etc.)
Little Faith 1 Mat.17:14-20
The power of Faith
God is Good. But is that so?
Afflictions. Acts 20:17-23
We are Conquerors in Jesus Rom. 8:37
Obedience to God 1 Kings 13
Sermon videos
The High Priestly Prayer John 17
The Holy Spirit and His actions in us
The Day of the Lord 2 Peter 3:3-10
Third Heaven. Weakness=Strong in Christ
Pray for Israel. Reason conflict.
The dry bones in Ezekiel 37. Church = Israel?
Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38 by Meno Kalisher
What is the Great Tribulation? Daniel, Revelation
Christian purity in speaking and acts Mat. 15
Jesus is the manna John 6:47-59
Do not stay in the darkness John 12:44-50
Many rooms in my Father's house John 14
God's Plan is to live by men
God's Plan in this century
Jesus won´t leave us like orphans John 14:18
Faith and The Law Romans 4:13-17
The Law and the Christian
The Basis: Creation and the Fall, Salvation
Jesus is the vine and Christians the branches
Imitators of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:1-20
Full of the Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8
Under the Control of the Holy Spirit. 2Tim.2-4
Is there any hope? Suicide is not necessary
Sermon videos
Promise to God
Passion and world love James 4
Patient suffering and Prayer James 5
Meaning of Pentecost
The importance of the Holy Spirit
Meaning of the Ascension of Jesus
The Kingdom of Jesus
Adolescent and the Bible / Jesus
Easter. The resurrection of Jesus
The meaning of Easter
Easter: The Victory
The dying and death of Jesus
The mark on the arm? (English subtitle)
Jews and Gentiles, one temple in the Lord
Who is God?
Who is Jesus?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Who is a Christian?
For who and what do we pray?
How to pray?
What and for whom is the Holy Supper?
What means baptism, whom may be baptized?
What is Tenth (Tithe) and why?
What is Christmas?
Sermon videos
What is Bible study?
The Torah lessons for the Christian?
Mary as an example?
Living with a purpose?
Merry Christmas
1 Samuel 30 The back support and the battle
Psalm 91 Trust in God during dangers
Jesus needs laborers
Jesus sends, Mark 16:12-20
Jesus commands, Mark 16, John 21
The letter of Jude
Meno Kalisher 玛各的歌革之战
腓立比书 1:1-11
腓立比书 1:12-26
腓立比书 2:1-18
(Youth) Sermon videos
07 09 2024 Conquering through faith
14 09 2024 Be strong and of good courage
21 09 2024 Be imitators of Jesus
28 09 2024 The need to have a relation with God
04 10 2024 Joy in the Lord
Sermon videos
Philippians 2:19-30
Philippians 3:1-16
Philippians 3:17 - 4:9
Philippians 4:10 - 4:23
1 Peter 1:1-12 The Hope for the Future
1 Peter 1:13-25 Holy walk of life
1 Peter 2:1-10 Go from milk to adult
1 Peter 2:11-25 Walking in the footsteps of Jesus
1 Peter 3:1-7 Husband and wife
3:13-22 Where did Jesus go after his crucifixion?
1 Peter 4:1-6 All need to give account to Jesus
1 Pe 5 Elders tend the flock, watch out for satan
2 Peter 1 Privilege and duty of the believer
2 Peter 2 Warnings for the Christians
彼得后书 3:1-13 主的日
彼得后书 3:14-18 圣诞节召唤:与神和解
罗马书 1:1-7 什么是福音?
罗马书 1:8-17 为陌生人祈祷?
罗马书 1:18-25 没有借口去认识神
罗马书 2:1-11 犹太人和希腊人没有任何借口
罗马书 2:12-29 真正的割礼:我们的良心
罗马书 3:1-8 基督徒的义务
罗马书 3:9-20 法律公布违法行为
罗马书 3:21-31 因信耶稣称义
罗马书 4 आस्था क्या है?
罗马书 5:1-11 对未来的希望
5:12-21 一个人,所有人都会死。借着耶稣:生命
6:1-14 我们还要继续犯罪吗? 绝不!
6:15-23 顺服神的奴仆,没有罪!
罗马书 7:1-12 我们为神结出果子吗?
7:13-26 我,可怜的人,与罪作斗争
罗马书 8:1-17 借着圣灵的生命和力量
8:18-30 圣灵帮助我们的软弱
8:31-39 没有什么能使我们与神的爱隔绝
罗马书 9:1-18 神拣选的目的
9:19-29 人有什么资格向上帝负责?
罗马书 9:30-10:4 就是因信而获得的义
罗马书 10:5-15 怎能信他呢,没有传道的
罗马书 10:18-21 塞上耳朵聆听神的话语
罗马书 11:1-10 神弃绝了他的百姓吗?绝对没有!
罗马书 11:11-24 以色列是外邦人的根
罗马书 11:25-36 以色列全家都要得救
罗马书 12:1-5 基督的身体有许多成员
罗马书 12:6-8 在基督的身体里带着恩赐服务
罗马书 12:9-21 要祝福迫害你们
罗马书 13:1-7 服从神所赐的政权
罗马书 13:8-14 爱邻 如己”这一句话之内了
14:1-4 无意识的牺牲和对撒旦的崇拜
14:5-12 互相尊重并尊重主
15:1-13 以色列战争。 上帝的计划?
15:14-33 通过言语和行动传福音
16:1-16 有名的弟兄姊妹
16:17-27 提防那些制造冲突的人
哥林多后书 1 许多人祈祷,上帝回应
哥林多后书 2 斥责中并懂得爱
哥林多后书 3 圣灵需要教导
哥林多后书 4 成为基督的仆人
哥林多后书 5 基督的审判台
哥林多后书 6 不要徒然接受神的恩典
哥林多后书 7 悔改之后,接着喜乐
哥林多后书 8 服务热情
哥林多后书 9 愉快地赠送礼物和祈祷
哥林多后书 10 摧毁据点的神力
哥林多后书 11 保罗是耶稣仆人的榜样应
哥林多后书 12 第三天堂或天堂
哥林多后书 13 主所赐的权柄
2 Cor. 10:3-4 Living a life free of sins
Sermons by Wilfred - EZBB Please be patient some videos take 5-20 seconds to download